Home » 2011 » August » 17

The Long Good Friday (1980)


少见的英国黑帮片。Pierce Brosnan就是个龙套啊。

Posted in: Movie

Wings of Desire (1987)


[German Title] Der Himmel über Berlin

When the child was a child, it was the time of these questions. Why am I me, and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? When did time begin, and where does space end? Isn’t life under the sun just a dream? Isn’t what I see, hear, and smell just the mirage of a world before the world? Does evil actually exist, and are there people who are really evil? How can it be that I, who am I, wasn’t before I was, and that sometime I, the one I am, no longer will be the one I am?

Posted in: Movie