‘A man tells his stories so many times that he becomes the stories. They live on after him. And in that way he becomes immortal.’
主线就解释了下Deathly Hallows是个啥。支线里本来期待有传说中Harry和Hermione的床戏,结果很失望呀很失望,是个幻像而且还是黑暗缭绕
“There were once two princesses whose Papa had been turned into a penguin by a local witch. This was inconvenient because he loved to hold his princesses in his arms, and you can’t do that if you’re a penguin, you have wings like herrings. To make matters worse she sent him to the South Pole which is an awfully long walk if you can’t fly. When he reached the water and dived in he found he could fly. Fly through the depths. So fast, infact, that he was in Southampton Waters by lunchtime. From there he caught the 2.30 to Weighbridge, changed at Clap ham Junction and asked a passing Mallard the way to Buckingham Palace. He swam up the Thames and came out of a plug hole, giving Mama, the cook and Mrs. Whittaker quite a shock. The princesses heard the commotion and hurried to the kitchen where they gave the penguin a good scrub, a mackerel and a kiss. And as they kissed him guess what he turned into a short-tailed Albatross. With wings big enough to wrap around both his precious girls together.”
In memory of Stan Wiston
演那个Ministry of Magic的人不错,能做到看似祥和内心狂野。另外Emma Thompson演的那个角色看了就想笑。加入了青春期的东西,不好也不坏,就那么回事吧。Voldemort和Dumbledore对战那段的场景十分精彩。。从这一部开始Harry和另外两个站在一起的镜头就越来越少了。。