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The Best Offer (2013)

The Best Offer (2013)


“When simulating another’s work the forger can’t resist the temptation to put in something of himself. Often it’s just a trifle, a detail of no interest. One unsuspected stroke, by which the forger inevitably ends up betraying himself, and revealing his own utterly authentic sensibilities.”

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The Book Thief (2013)

The Book Thief (2013)



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Shine (1996)


受过创伤的爹把天才儿子也逼得受过创伤的故事。另外赞一个Geoffrey Rush这么老了又去重学钢琴坚持不用替身,除了Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor这种其他都是自己弹的。

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Comments Off on Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)



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Elizabeth (1998)


传说中的virgin queen。作为英国宫廷戏还是一如既往的无聊,虽然服装道具极尽奢华,几乎每个still都可以做壁纸了。


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The King’s Speech (2010)



“There were once two princesses whose Papa had been turned into a penguin by a local witch. This was inconvenient because he loved to hold his princesses in his arms, and you can’t do that if you’re a penguin, you have wings like herrings. To make matters worse she sent him to the South Pole which is an awfully long walk if you can’t fly. When he reached the water and dived in he found he could fly. Fly through the depths. So fast, infact, that he was in Southampton Waters by lunchtime. From there he caught the 2.30 to Weighbridge, changed at Clap ham Junction and asked a passing Mallard the way to Buckingham Palace. He swam up the Thames and came out of a plug hole, giving Mama, the cook and Mrs. Whittaker quite a shock. The princesses heard the commotion and hurried to the kitchen where they gave the penguin a good scrub, a mackerel and a kiss. And as they kissed him guess what he turned into a short-tailed Albatross. With wings big enough to wrap around both his precious girls together.”


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Shakespeare in Love (1998)



twelfth night的开头不错。
My story starts at sea, a perilous voyage to an unknown land a shipwreck. The wild waters roar and heave the brave vessel is dashed all to pieces, and all the helpless souls within her drowned. All save one a lady whose soul is greater than the ocean and her spirit stronger than the sea’s embrace. Not for her watery end, but a new life beginning on a stranger shore. It will be a love story. For she will be my heroine for all time, and her name will be … Viola.
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Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007)


这部的剧情算是比较复杂了,大的事情就是Will被动的杀了章鱼怪把自己的心脏放了进去成了荷兰舰的舰长,Black Pearl被Barbossa再一次的偷走了,Jack被扔在一边流浪,Elizabeth嫁给了Will在家十年一日带小孩,结尾差点没看到。。视觉依然出色,大漩涡啊大漩涡。


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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006)




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Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)




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