1917年,第一次世界大战进,两个英国士兵接到的命令立即赶往前线,传达“立刻停止进攻”讯息。 死亡寂静之地、布满尸体的铁丝网、突入其来的敌军、随时毙命的危险境况。为救1600个人的性命。一镜到底,所有的摄影,剪辑,战争场景的部署,实在太棒了。情节偏弱也是一镜到底的必然弱点。军迷会非常喜欢的一部片子。
汉堡一不小心就要戒了^^。Elton John太搞笑了。剧情就像海报一样,英国绅士的伞pk美国牛仔的鞭。鞭子的鞭。
一个被毁掉三观人的战后后遗症。其实非常的有剧情,因为正好碰上了所以火花四溅,最后的结局也都是大家希望看到的和解。有点令人失望的是小黑屋那一段,做了那么长时间的铺垫最后来了个水刑1.0版本然后给了几棒子就没了,当然大家看得心理也不是按照saw来看的希望越狠越好,但这样的体罚确实会影响到对让一名士兵40年生不如死原因的直接感观,造成很难理性的联系起来。如果是因为电影播出的原因,那就可以完全不要设置这个桥段,给观众一些瞎想的空间,不然拿起又放下感觉很闪腰啊。另外就是不得不提的River Kwai了,虽然是同一个地点,但和之前那部涉及的侧重点完全不一样,这部怎么说都还是一部正常的电影,没那么杰出加变态。最后贴一下开场的小词吧:
At the beginning of time the clock struck one
Then dropped the dew and the clock struck two
From the dew grew a tree and the clock struck three
The tree made a door and the clock struck four
Man came alive and the clock struck five
Count not, waste not the years on the clock
Behold I stand at the door and knock.
“There were once two princesses whose Papa had been turned into a penguin by a local witch. This was inconvenient because he loved to hold his princesses in his arms, and you can’t do that if you’re a penguin, you have wings like herrings. To make matters worse she sent him to the South Pole which is an awfully long walk if you can’t fly. When he reached the water and dived in he found he could fly. Fly through the depths. So fast, infact, that he was in Southampton Waters by lunchtime. From there he caught the 2.30 to Weighbridge, changed at Clap ham Junction and asked a passing Mallard the way to Buckingham Palace. He swam up the Thames and came out of a plug hole, giving Mama, the cook and Mrs. Whittaker quite a shock. The princesses heard the commotion and hurried to the kitchen where they gave the penguin a good scrub, a mackerel and a kiss. And as they kissed him guess what he turned into a short-tailed Albatross. With wings big enough to wrap around both his precious girls together.”
一个德国国籍的历史学者二战时跑到撒哈拉沙漠考察,期中觊觎好朋友的妻子,而且还得逞了。后来好友知道后想开飞机3人同归于尽,没想到就他自己死了,奸夫淫妇只是落魄在沙漠中。历史学家留了食物吃的给情妇自己跑出去找车。之后就是历史学家如何努力地,逃出怀疑自己的盟军并且靠卖地图从德军那里搞到他们缴获的英军飞机,之后又被德军打下来音容全毁,最后躺在床上被overdose。说实话在经典之中这一部并不是十分突出,情节啥的比起American Beauty这种级别的差不少,倒是有几个大场景,就是速空降的那段,巴赫的音乐零星点缀了一下很精致,另外就是大牌的演员很抢眼了,没想到Juliette同学居然会露点,虽然就一下下的上半身。最后是Katharine在山洞里写给男主角的话:
“We’re the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with the names of powerful men. I know you’ll come and carry me out into the Palace of Winds. That’s what I’ve wanted: to walk in such a place with you, with friends, on the earth without maps. The lamp has gone out and I’m writing in the darkness.”