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The Last Hangman (2005)



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Secrets & Lies (1996)


摊上这样的生母简直是哭笑不得。Brenda Blethyn演的非常非常好,疯疯癫癫又夹杂着可怜,中间和弃婴女一起吃饭的那场戏一个长镜头十分钟全是她的台词,演出来完全没有思考的痕迹一气呵成泪声俱下,天生的演员哈~~

“tell the truth, nobody gets hurt.”

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)



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The King’s Speech (2010)



“There were once two princesses whose Papa had been turned into a penguin by a local witch. This was inconvenient because he loved to hold his princesses in his arms, and you can’t do that if you’re a penguin, you have wings like herrings. To make matters worse she sent him to the South Pole which is an awfully long walk if you can’t fly. When he reached the water and dived in he found he could fly. Fly through the depths. So fast, infact, that he was in Southampton Waters by lunchtime. From there he caught the 2.30 to Weighbridge, changed at Clap ham Junction and asked a passing Mallard the way to Buckingham Palace. He swam up the Thames and came out of a plug hole, giving Mama, the cook and Mrs. Whittaker quite a shock. The princesses heard the commotion and hurried to the kitchen where they gave the penguin a good scrub, a mackerel and a kiss. And as they kissed him guess what he turned into a short-tailed Albatross. With wings big enough to wrap around both his precious girls together.”


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The Damned United (2009)


一听名字以为是讲MU的,所以才饶有兴致的看了,记得小时候喜欢的俱乐部并不多,第一件球衫是国际米兰的,第二件是尤文图斯的,第三件就是MU的了。自从后来因为假赛意甲水平全方位的下滑,就转而更关注英超这边,理所应当的MU就是这几年一直默默支持的球队。看了半天竟然是LU,从最早开始关注英超就知道Leeds United是个烂队,在MU席卷英超的时候几乎听不到LU的声音,更不知道之前还有这么一段历史。Michael Sheen的对话节目很亲切。

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Alice in Wonderland (2010)



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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)



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