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Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)


蚁人因为女儿一次失误操作,将父母以及外公外婆重新带回量子世界。进入量子领域就好像在看star wars,各色族群与生态,妥妥的大奇观电影。

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Isle of Dogs (2018)

Isle of Dogs (2018)



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The Jungle Book (2016)

The Jungle Book (2016)



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St. Vincent (2014)

St. Vincent (2014)



On the surface, one might think my saint is
the least likely candidate for sainthood.
He’s not a happy person.
He doesn’t like people and
not many people like him.
He’s grumpy, he’s angry, he’s mad at
the world, I’m sure full of regrets.
He drinks too much, he smokes,
he gambles, curses, lies and cheats.
And he spends a lot of time
with the Lady of the Night.
That’s what you see at first glance.
If you dig deeper you see
a man beyond his faults.
Mr. Vincent McKenna was born in 1946
in Sheepshead Bay the son of
first generation Irish immigrants.
Growing up poor on the streets of Brooklyn,
Vincent learned all the things
that kids shouldn’t need to know:
Fighting, cursing and gambling.
In 1965, as a member of the
United States Army 5th Regiment,
Vincent was among the four hundred and
fifty soldiers dropped into La Drang Valley
and immediately ambushed
by 2000 enemy troops.
There he heroically saved the lives of two
wounded officers pinned down by enemy fire.
And carried them to safety.
Has was awarded the bronze
star for his bravery.
I imagine the best way to tell
you who Mr. Vincent McKenna is
is to tell you what
he’s done for me.
When me and my mom first moved here,
we knew no one.
And Mr. McKenna took me in.
When he didn’t have to,
and most likely, didn’t want to…
but he did it anyhow, ’cause THAT’S what saints do.
We visited his wife, Sandy,
of 40 years, who recently passed away.
Vin’s done her laundry EVERY week for the past
Because saints never give up.
He taught me how to fight, how to stand my
ground and be brave, how to speak up and be bold.
Because saints fight for themselves and
others, so that they might be heard.
He taught me how to gamble,
horse racing, Keno,
the Over and Under, which is a big reason
why I’m grounded ’til I’m eighteen.
But in that I learned how to
take risks and go for broke.
Because in life the odds
can be stacked against you.
This is Vin’s cat, Felix, who eats
gourmet cat food while Vin eats sardines.
‘Cause saints make sacrifices.
Yes, Mr. Vincent McKenna is flawed,
seriously flawed,
But just like the all the
other saints we studied,
because, after all, saints
are human beings… very human beings.
Courage, sacrifice,
compassion, humanity.

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The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)



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Moonrise Kingdom (2012)


少年眼中的成人世界遥远而晦涩,有时甚至分不清是憎恶还是想往,比如恨透social的小男孩也知道送花讨殷;讨厌家庭的小女孩也神往着能与小男孩建立关系,建立家庭。片子做的非常风格化,整个像是动画片的真人片,俩小孩跟塑料的一样。也许就是Wes Anderson的目的吧,不信问个看完电影的小孩片子里的成人是不是也和塑料的一样。有人把它叫隔阂,好吧那就隔吧。

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Groundhog Day (1993)



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Ghost Busters (1984)


特效实在是太汗颜了,当你看到怪物的眼睛是很明显的两个灯泡的时候应该很难被吓到吧。。。另一个汗颜是Sigourney Weaver又被异形附体了。

Posted in: Movie

Zombieland (2009)


能把僵尸和搞笑结合起来也真不容易,虽然僵尸诞生的原因比较奇葩,被病毒感染。。不是那么的好笑,不过笑点还是有的,比如Bill Murray和Columbus开玩笑的时候被一枪崩了,还有little miss sunshine拿出一堆用来骗钱的假戒指,很搞笑哈。

1 Cardio
2 Double tap
3 Beware of bathrooms
4 Wear seatbelts
6 Cast iron skillet
7 Travel light
8 Get a kickass partner
12 Bounty paper towels
15 Bowling Ball
17 (Don’t) be a hero
18 Limber up
21 Avoid strip clubs
22 When in doubt, know your way out
29 The buddy system
31 Check the back seat
32 Enjoy the little things
33 Swiss army knife

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Lost in Translation (2003)




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Space Jam (1996)



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