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Demolition (2015)

Demolition (2015)



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St. Vincent (2014)

St. Vincent (2014)



On the surface, one might think my saint is
the least likely candidate for sainthood.
He’s not a happy person.
He doesn’t like people and
not many people like him.
He’s grumpy, he’s angry, he’s mad at
the world, I’m sure full of regrets.
He drinks too much, he smokes,
he gambles, curses, lies and cheats.
And he spends a lot of time
with the Lady of the Night.
That’s what you see at first glance.
If you dig deeper you see
a man beyond his faults.
Mr. Vincent McKenna was born in 1946
in Sheepshead Bay the son of
first generation Irish immigrants.
Growing up poor on the streets of Brooklyn,
Vincent learned all the things
that kids shouldn’t need to know:
Fighting, cursing and gambling.
In 1965, as a member of the
United States Army 5th Regiment,
Vincent was among the four hundred and
fifty soldiers dropped into La Drang Valley
and immediately ambushed
by 2000 enemy troops.
There he heroically saved the lives of two
wounded officers pinned down by enemy fire.
And carried them to safety.
Has was awarded the bronze
star for his bravery.
I imagine the best way to tell
you who Mr. Vincent McKenna is
is to tell you what
he’s done for me.
When me and my mom first moved here,
we knew no one.
And Mr. McKenna took me in.
When he didn’t have to,
and most likely, didn’t want to…
but he did it anyhow, ’cause THAT’S what saints do.
We visited his wife, Sandy,
of 40 years, who recently passed away.
Vin’s done her laundry EVERY week for the past
Because saints never give up.
He taught me how to fight, how to stand my
ground and be brave, how to speak up and be bold.
Because saints fight for themselves and
others, so that they might be heard.
He taught me how to gamble,
horse racing, Keno,
the Over and Under, which is a big reason
why I’m grounded ’til I’m eighteen.
But in that I learned how to
take risks and go for broke.
Because in life the odds
can be stacked against you.
This is Vin’s cat, Felix, who eats
gourmet cat food while Vin eats sardines.
‘Cause saints make sacrifices.
Yes, Mr. Vincent McKenna is flawed,
seriously flawed,
But just like the all the
other saints we studied,
because, after all, saints
are human beings… very human beings.
Courage, sacrifice,
compassion, humanity.

Posted in: Movie

The Impossible (2012)



[Spanish Title] Lo imposible

感情挺深入的,大量的铺垫小煽一下,节奏挺好。俩演员演的真的是不错,Ewan大哭那场挺亮,边哭边抑制,最后发现抑制不了了。另外剧情也太那啥了吧,正如Mark Twain讲的,”Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn’t.”

Posted in: Movie

Mulholland Dr. (2001)


里面很多场景俺也是经常梦到,比如完全相同的两个场景,半夜醒来到剧院里看表演,当然还有巨真实无比的自由落体。其实说来巧了,在看这部电影的前一天晚上第一次梦到Melancholia里的场景,太阳慢慢变得巨大,之后一道红光闪过地球,所有人都轻轻的飘了起来,当时觉得很奇葩还特地记录了一下,结果第二天就被解析了,精确程度Freud根本搞不定,只能用Carl Jung的理论哈。

Posted in: Movie

J. Edgar (2011)



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Fair Game (2010)




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21 Grams (2003)



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King Kong (2005)



Posted in: Movie