美国主流电影真的是越来越烂了,对于有色吹捧的夸张简直脸红心跳。三个全世界最有才华最自强不息生活最艰辛最懂得奋斗和与不平等抗争讲话个个深入人心催人尿下。一个大神和法官义正言辞并帮法官名垂青史;一个大神负责开光,ibm机器买来毫无用处,必须要靠她先开光才能用。最后一个大神是最神的,完胜所有nasa和ibm众员工,尤其是白人男性员工为最笨最懒,靠着她神一般的公式和计算水平飞船终于能一飞冲天,而且飞行员必须和她亲自通过电话后才敢飞。。。简直就是圣母啊。而且你吹也就吹了,对其他人的贬低反衬简直令人叹为观止,白人男性简直不配出现在nasa,赶紧把west computing那一帮全部换到nasa或者国会才是美国富强的关键呐。你让那些真正为此付出生命的人情何以堪,Robert Goddard, Wernher von Braun, James Webb, Robert Gilruth, George Low,无一不是最蠢最笨的白人男性。还based on a true story,based on你妹,到底谁是hidden figures。
On the surface, one might think my saint is
the least likely candidate for sainthood.
He’s not a happy person.
He doesn’t like people and
not many people like him.
He’s grumpy, he’s angry, he’s mad at
the world, I’m sure full of regrets.
He drinks too much, he smokes,
he gambles, curses, lies and cheats.
And he spends a lot of time
with the Lady of the Night.
That’s what you see at first glance.
If you dig deeper you see
a man beyond his faults.
Mr. Vincent McKenna was born in 1946
in Sheepshead Bay the son of
first generation Irish immigrants.
Growing up poor on the streets of Brooklyn,
Vincent learned all the things
that kids shouldn’t need to know:
Fighting, cursing and gambling.
In 1965, as a member of the
United States Army 5th Regiment,
Vincent was among the four hundred and
fifty soldiers dropped into La Drang Valley
and immediately ambushed
by 2000 enemy troops.
There he heroically saved the lives of two
wounded officers pinned down by enemy fire.
And carried them to safety.
Has was awarded the bronze
star for his bravery.
I imagine the best way to tell
you who Mr. Vincent McKenna is
is to tell you what
he’s done for me.
When me and my mom first moved here,
we knew no one.
And Mr. McKenna took me in.
When he didn’t have to,
and most likely, didn’t want to…
but he did it anyhow, ’cause THAT’S what saints do.
We visited his wife, Sandy,
of 40 years, who recently passed away.
Vin’s done her laundry EVERY week for the past
Because saints never give up.
He taught me how to fight, how to stand my
ground and be brave, how to speak up and be bold.
Because saints fight for themselves and
others, so that they might be heard.
He taught me how to gamble,
horse racing, Keno,
the Over and Under, which is a big reason
why I’m grounded ’til I’m eighteen.
But in that I learned how to
take risks and go for broke.
Because in life the odds
can be stacked against you.
This is Vin’s cat, Felix, who eats
gourmet cat food while Vin eats sardines.
‘Cause saints make sacrifices.
Yes, Mr. Vincent McKenna is flawed,
seriously flawed,
But just like the all the
other saints we studied,
because, after all, saints
are human beings… very human beings.
Courage, sacrifice,
compassion, humanity.