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Identity Thief (2013)



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The Way Way Back (2013)



小成本人性电影,主旨就在开始的几句问题“On a scale of one to ten, what do you think you are? I can’t hear you, bud. You have to speak up.” 片子总体相当夏日啊,海边啤酒美女水上乐园。看长得就是一副40-year-old virgin样子的Steve Carell演混蛋还是有点怪怪的。

Posted in: Movie

Syriana (2005)


这段Matt Damon的台词就是美国人真实的鸟样。

“What are they thinking? They’re thinking that it’s running out, it’s running out and 90% of whats left is in the Middle East. Look at the progression, Versailles, Suez, 1973, Gulf War 1, Gulf War 2. This is a fight to the death. So what are THEY thinking? Great! They’re thinking keep playing, keep buying yourself new toys, keep spending $50,000 a night on your hotel room, but don’t invest in your infastructure… don’t build a real economy. So that when you finally wake up, they will have sucked you dry, and you will have squandered the greatest natural resource in history..”

Posted in: Movie

2012 (2009)



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