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Magnolia (1999)




“A lot of people think this is just a job that you go to. Take a lunch hour… job’s over. Something like that. But it’s a 24-hour deal. No two ways about it. And what most people don’t see… is just how hard it is to do the right thing. People think if I make a judgment call… that’s a judgment on them, but that is not what I do. And that’s not what should be done. I have to take everything… and play it as it lays. Sometimes people need a little help. Sometimes people need to be forgiven. And sometimes they need to go to jail. And that is a very tricky thing on my part… making that call. I mean, the law is the law. And heck if I’m gonna break it. You can forgive someone. Well, that’s the tough part. What can we forgive? Tough part of the job. Tough part of walking down the street.”

Posted in: Movie

The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 (2009)


从最一开始剧情一直很紧凑,准确来讲是一种紧张,一列地铁被劫并被绑匪成功留下一节车厢作为人质,限期1h准备1千万,之后就是反复的谈判与斡旋。老大点名要与一个原是subway高官的叫Garber的家伙瞎扯淡,从他原被指控的真实原因到带ass model到冰岛去看狗拉屎。后来因为一个同伴被意外射杀,老大点名要Garber自己送钱过来,他们中间带Garber下车逃跑,但Garber借自己熟悉环境一个人开溜了,最后上演了一人禽老大。总体来讲是地地道道的警匪动作片,所以这方面做的是没的说,关键是拍出了很重的人情的成分。比如Garber坦言的确曾经收贿赂的目的;还有一个被劫持的原空降兵站在一个孩子面前换命,最后一句话是It’s my only plan;再者老大被Garber亲手干掉是说You are a hero;Garber的妻子让他带回来一加仑的牛奶而最后恰恰是以这个结尾的。里面感人的点真的不少。而对于细节的处理也是十分到位,市长坐subway被映射为欺骗大众的伎俩,其本身完全不关心大众及其学校学生,而且非常胆小,和后来Garber一个人杀进去成对比;带ass model去冰岛看上去是great wall的特征;一些谈判专家好像很不讨这群电影人的喜欢,被描述的有点傻;政府翻案率很高。总之一个剧情十分紧凑的动作片并且带出了很多很多别的东西,时间不长,但内容丰富,如果不是在刹车时里面人质很2的欢腾俺就要给满分了,哈哈,不错的电影。

Posted in: Movie

Fighting (2009)



Posted in: Movie