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On the Waterfront (1954)



“Do it to him before he does it to you.”

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Apocalypse Now (1979)


主要是对西方文明的反思吧。试图用一种文明去改变或吞没另一种文明而无视其本身的目的是上世纪60年代战争的主旋律,也就是片子里法国男和Willard说的”You Americans are fighting for the biggest nothing in history”。70年代里有好多的越战片啊,但每一部都能够找到新的角度描写这场无聊战争里的残酷,而每一部都和变态的杀人分不开,Platoon里杀队友;The Deer Hunter里杀自己;这一部里暗杀另一个变态的人。而我看过的这三部里每一部对战争刻画都极其细致。里面的Saigon和Nha Trang和我们去的时候已经完全不一样了,很难从路边的酒吧和飞驰的摩托车里找到当年同仇敌忾的影子;现在Mekong River红树林和片子里面没有太多区别,不过这个时候的孟加拉虎应该很少了吧。片子里Colonel Kurtz对整个越战有着自己很深的理解,”You can kill me. You have the power to do that. But you cannot judge me.”一个放弃了一切的人死死抓着最后的信仰,从嘴角里挤出的最后的话,”Horror has a face…And you must make a friend of horror. Horror and moral terrorare your friends. If they are not then they are enemies to be feared. They are truly enemies.”

Posted in: Movie

The Godfather (1972)


一群美籍意大利人弄出的史诗作品集,论剧情论演技论服装论配乐都是无与伦比啊无与伦比。Marlon Brando沙哑的声音回荡呀回荡。


Posted in: Movie