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Deadpool 2 (2018)

Deadpool 2 (2018)


几乎三句话就会有笑点,黑了无数人。不得不说设计的太好了。中间女友死掉和time travel那段还是挺感人的。后面三彩蛋也是笑死。

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Deadpool (2016)

Deadpool (2016)



Posted in: Movie

The Croods (2013)



一部非常有新意而又非常励志的动画片,过了开始时期稍微的沉闷之后,中期开始发力,新颖而引人入胜,到结尾时候老爸的idea真的很拉风啊。总之全片正面的东西很多,简直就是一身正气的吓人啊。另外值得思考的东西也是有的,比如爸爸对儿子说的“When you make it, so will I”。最后以一首小诗作为结尾吧。

Follow the Light

This world keeps spinning out of control,
seems too many are losing their souls,
listening to negativity over and over until it’s reality,
trapped in a lie by the enemy.

There’s an angel on my left,
and a devil on my right,
I want to be the me that follows the light,
resisting the dark until it fades away,
don’t want to see the heaven’s cry today.

What’s the difference between the saved and lost,
we’re letting this world win at a dangerous cost,
this temporary world will fade one day,
when your standing next to God what will you say,
did you give Him your all or were you lead astray,
did you follow the world or did you follow the Way?

Run from the devil and he’ll leave you be,
Jesus gave His life so we could truly see,
not be blinded by our enemy.
Let the light shine every day,
far away.

There’s an angel on my left,
and a devil on my right,
I will be the me that follows the light,
resisting the dark until it fades away,
I won’t make the heaven’s cry today.
Don’t want to see the heavens cry today.

Posted in: Movie

Safe House (2012)


剧情很狗血,一个莫须有的外交危机就把整个电影扒拉扒拉了两个小时。演得还行,打斗也可以。Ryan Reynolds也走帅帅酷酷路线了,挺成功的吧。

Posted in: Movie

The Proposal (2009)



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X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)



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