Before Midnight (2013)

Home » Movie » Before Midnight (2013)



Dear Celine, I am writing to you from the other side of the woods.
I’m sending you this young man.
Yes, young.
And he will be your escort.
God knows he has many problems,
and he’s struggled his whole life connecting,
and being present, even with those he loves the most.
And, for that, he is deeply sorry.
But you are his only hope
My advice is this:
You’re entering the best years of your life,
looking back from where I sit now,
these middle years are only a bit more difficult than when you were 12
and Mathew and Vanessa danced all night to the Bee Gees’ “How deep is your love”
Celine you will be fine,
your girls will grow up to become examples and icons of feminism

P.S. By the way, the best sex of my life happened one night in the Southern Peloponnese
Do not miss it!
My whole sexual being went to a whole new ground-breaking level

Posted in: Movie

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